Because I was too young, I had to break up with Yoko. - Several years have passed since then. - After remarrying and falling asleep, I happened to meet Yoko again. - He told her that he had remarried, and since his wife wasn't around, he invited Yoko to talk a little more. - When I took her home, I apologized to Yoko. - I'm sorry about that time. - It was already a while ago, wasn't it? - I laughed out loud. - We both knew that things weren't going well in our remarriage. - I accidentally told Yoko that I don't have sex right now. - He hugged Ryoko and kissed her. - Yoko can't refuse even though she says no, but her body has lost its strength after being caressed for the first time in a while. - And a huge dick is presented to me. - Yoko was already ready to accept it, but she was screaming that she couldn't do something like this. - However, as soon as the first thrust entered her, a numbing sensation of pleasure ran through her entire body. - We both immersed ourselves in sex for a while and reached climax. - Ryoko leaves the house as if to run away. - I was worried for a moment, but then I jumped out in pursuit of Yoko...